From legal entities or individual entrepreneurs for the implementation of various types of entrepreneurial activity license may be required. The economic, legal and organizational basis of the regulation of the system of licenses and permits in the Republic of Azerbaijan is determined by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Licenses and Permits".
What documents are needed to get a license and how should I apply?
The applicant must submit an application to the licensing authority to obtain a license. The following documents must be attached to the application:
- if the applicant is a legal entity or a branch or representative office of a foreign legal entity, a copy of the extract from the state register of legal entities;
- if the applicant is an individual entrepreneur, a copy of the identity document;
- a copy of the certificate of registration of the applicant as a taxpayer;
- a copy of the document confirming the right of use, ownership or lease of the applicant for the objects mentioned in the application;
- depending on the type of activity, documents confirming the fulfillment of the conditions determined by the laws of the AR and additional conditions determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the AR.
What types of activities require a license?
The types of activities that require a license are determined by taking into account one of the criteria established by law. Those criteria are as follows:
- if the activity affects state security;
- if the activity involves the use of limited natural resources;
- if the activity may have a negative impact on the ecology of the environment;
- if the activity is dangerous for the health, life and property of an unlimited number of persons.
List of activities for which a license is required
- Disposal and neutralization of toxic industrial waste
- Private medical activity
- Production, wholesale and retail sale of medicinal products related to pharmaceutical activity.
- Production, export, import and transit of precursors
- Educational activity:
- preschool educational institutions (except state educational institutions)
– general educational institutions, including high schools and gymnasiums
- vocational training institutions
- secondary specialized educational institutions
- higher education institutions
- additional educational institutions
Note: state educational institutions are an exception
- religious secondary specialized educational institutions
- higher religious educational institutions
- Telecommunications and postal services:
– telephone (wired)
– radio trunk and cordless phone
– IP-telephony (internet telephony)
- organization of domestic and international telecommunication channels
– data transfer
– express mail service
- Storage of radioactive and ionizing radiation waste
- Transportation of dangerous goods by transport
- Installation and operation of natural gas and liquid facilities
- Installation and repair of elevators
- Operation of attractions
- Conducting diagnostics and technical inspections of equipment and technical devices in potentially dangerous objects
- Capacity installation and repair of lifting devices, pressure boilers, metallurgical equipment
- Fire protection activity.
- Engineering-research and construction-installation works of buildings and facilities whose construction permit is required, as well as design of buildings and facilities
- Private veterinary service activity
- Production and sale of veterinary preparations
- Production and import of plant protection products and agrochemicals
- Organization of individual hunting farms
- Supply of wild medicinal plants raw materials for production
- Making different types of seals or stamps
The payment of the state fee for issuing a license is determined by the AR Law "On State Fee". With the amount of state fees according to the type of activity Easy serviceYou can get more information from the official website.
How is the licensing process going?
The application and documents attached to it are checked by the licensing authority. If any deficiencies are found, the applicant is informed about their elimination no later than 5 working days.
The applicant must remedy the deficiencies no later than 10 working days after receiving the information.
If the detected deficiencies are not eliminated within the specified period, an administrative act is adopted and this information is presented to the applicant within 2 working days.
The applicant can re-apply for the license if the detected deficiencies are eliminated.
When the licensing body applies to the relevant state body and enterprise for an opinion (consent), it is considered and answered within 7 working days. (the period can be extended not more than 20 days). If there is no feedback during this period, the feedback is considered positive. A negative opinion, as well as a refusal to give consent, must be justified by referring to the relevant law.
If a shorter period is not specified in AR laws, the licensing body shall issue the license or adopt an administrative act on refusal to issue it no later than 10 working days from the time of registration of the application.
In what cases can licenses be refused?
If any irregularity is found in the above mentioned application or documents attached to it, or if the applicant refuses to fulfill the license conditions, the license may be refused. In this case, the administrative act on refusal must be justified by specifying the circumstances of refusal. The applicant can file an administrative appeal against that act to the court.
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